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 Dr. Dimitrios Efthymiou

Research Fellow


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Dr. Dimitrios Efthymiou


Dr. Dimitrios Efthymiou is a visiting research fellow at the University of Edinburgh and a research fellow at UniSR.  He was the PI of the research project "Towards a Transnational Theory of Justice for the EU" and a senior research fellow at Normative Orders at Goethe University in Frankfurt and his research has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Dimitrios has a PhD in Political Theory from the European University Institute and an MRes in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute. Dimitrios also holds an MPhil in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University and a first-class BA in Sociology from Goldsmiths College. He has taught at the University of Southampton, and University College London and he has spent time as a visiting scholar at Oxford University and the University of Helsinki.



Dimitrios is principally interested in normative political theory and has a particular interest in its feasibility conditions and application to public policy. His current research project focuses on labour migration in the EU and its normative implications for the nature and scope of the welfare state and social justice in the EU. Other research interests include the role of state responsibility in theories of international justice, especially in the case of the EU; the relationship between goods-oriented approaches and domination-based accounts of economic exploitation as well as topics such as environmental justice and the relationship between equality and legitimacy. 



Dimitrios has recently offered courses on “The Political Theory of the EU” and “Ethics and International Relations”. He has also taught a variety of courses and seminars in politics and political theory over his career. These include: “Global Justice: Debates and Issues”, “Global Ethics”, “International Political Theory”, “History of Political Thought”, “Issues in Politics: Climate Change, Human Rights and citizenship”, “International Justice and International Law”.

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Articles (in peer-reviewed journals)

Efthymiou, D.E., Market Quotas or Robust Protection? A hard dilemma for refugee protection in the EU, Comparative Migration Studies (2024) (accepted for publication)


Efthymiou, D.E. & Cossaglio, I. “The Populist Challenge to EU Legitimacy: A Normative Appraisal”, Journal of Social Philosophy (2022) Vol. 54(4) pp. 510-525.


Efthymiou, D.E. “EU Citizenship for a Republic of the Free and Equals or of States?”, CRISPP (2022), Vol. 25(4) pp. 616-623.


Efthymiou, D.E. “EU Citizen Access to Welfare Rights: How (not) to think about unreasonable burdens”, Res Publica (2022) Vol.28 pp. 613-633.


Efthymiou, D.E. “EU Migration, Out-of-Work Benefits and Reciprocity”, European Journal of Political Theory , 2021, Vol. 20(3), (2021), pp. 547–567.


Efthymiou, D.E. “Welfare Rights and Populism: A Normative Appraisal of Welfare Populism” Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric Volume 12, (2020), pp. 161-188.


Efthymiou, D.E. “Respect in Neo-Republicanism: A Good Too Rich or Too Thin?” Res Publica, Volume 26, (2020) pp.103-122.


Efthymiou, D.E. “Political Lying in Newey and Bellamy”, Biblioteca Della Liberta, Volume LIV, (2019) pp. 225-245.


Efthymiou, D.E. “The Normative Value of Partisanship: When and Why Partisanship Matters”, Political Studies , Volume 15(4), (2018) pp. 501-515.


Efthymiou, D.E. “Sen’s Idea(l) of Justice”, Jurisprudence , Volume 5, (2), (2015) pp. 352-362. (with a reply by Amartya Sen in the same issue).


Efthymiou, D.E. “Climate Change, Human Rights and Distributive Justice”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 20, (2011) pp. 111-142.


Efthymiou, D.E. “Equality and Legitimacy by Wojciech Sadurski: A Critical Review”. European Political Science , Volume 7, (4), (2008) pp. 411-421.


Book chapters 

Efthymiou, D.E. “Welfare Rights, Migration and Solidarity as a Rich Good” In (eds.) Mieth, C. and W. Cremer (2021). Migration, Stability and Solidarity, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, (2021), pp. 129-154.


Other articles

Efthymiou, D.E. “Why Current Restrictions on EU Immigrants’ Access to Welfare Rights Should be Lifted” EU Visions (2018):


**In Preparation **

Efthymiou, D. E., A Freedom in Name Only? Effective and Non-Effective Exercises of Freedom of Movement in the EU


Efthymiou, D. E. Ideal vs Realist Approaches to Migration: The Case Against their Convergence, 

Efthymiou, D.E. For a Europe of Free and Equals: A Transnational Theory of Social Justice and Solidarity, Book Manuscript


Efthymiou, D. E. “Have Private Corporations Duties Towards Asylum-Seekers?” 


Efthymiou, D. E. “Regulating De-territorialised Business Activities: Work Relations vs Work Locations” 



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